Shavuot Under The Stars

Many of us look forward to this celebration as the culmination of the counting the days of the Omer – Shavuot (in 2024 it falls on Tuesday, June 11). On Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) we commemorate the evens of Sinai when all Israel witnessed God’s presence and heard his mighty voice. And much in this celebration is focused around being together and engaging God’s words as a community.

You may have celebrated Shavuot before but have you celebrated it Tikvat David style? We call our Shavuot celebration “Shavuot Under the Stars” because weather permitting, its always an outdoor event. It is traditional to eat dairy on Shavuot, so every year we commence like to commence our celebration indoors with a gourmet ice cream bar. Yes, we eat dessert first and explain the tradition! Then we make our way to Synagogue Lawn where we grill some kosher hamburgers, hotdogs and even some vegan alternatives. After dinner we gather around the fire pit and study and discuss Torah under the stars, late into the night. At some point vegan smores come out too.

Shavuot Under the Stars – Tuesday, June 11, from 6 p.m. and late into the night.

Its’ a family-friendly event and its free! You are invited, so come and bring your friends. Please donate to your local Synagogue and help us build and Yeshua-centered Judaism for Israel and the Nations. Help us keep the kosher hot dogs flowing as we share Hashem’s goodness under the starts.